


CATESOL23 is Affordable! 

One of the many ways we are BREAKING NEW GROUND is in our registration rates.

You will notice that this year’s rate to attend the annual state conference is significantly less expensive than in previous years.  

We have strategically shifted away from hosting our annual event at large convention centers with untenable financial contracts.

Our move to partnering instead with local educational institutions, such as community colleges, allows us to offer the same high level of professional development experiences as we always have, while passing the savings on to you.

Our volunteer conference committee no longer bears the burden of filling large room blocks in convention hotels. Still, we provide resources for local lodging, dining, and entertainment.

These changes allow you to attend the conference at significantly lower rates!

The decrease in conference rates is in addition to our recent drop in membership rates from $70 to a mere $30 per year. 

While we may be reeling from price hikes in the rest of our lives, CATESOL promises to continue advancing the quality of English language teaching and learning through professional development, research, standards, and advocacy -- at considerably lower price points.

Please spread the word about our refreshed rates with friends, colleagues, and others through social media, message boards, and email distribution lists! Include our conference hashtag #catesol23.

Registration includes

  • All events Thu, Oct. 26 through Sat., Oct 28

  • President's Reception on Thursday evening

  • Breakfast and lunch (Friday and Saturday)

  • Social Event

  • Non-Member Registration includes a 1-year membership to CATESOL (+$30)

Questions about registration?



Accessible 2023 Registration Rates CATESOL State Conference

View Recommended Hotels

Justification and financial support 

As an English language professional, you value attending the CATESOL Conference. In the current economy, however, many school districts, state and local governments, and other organizations have tightened travel and education budgets.

To justify your participation in this professional development opportunity or seek financial support from your employer, refer to Why Attend CATESOL on the conference home page. You may also download this justification letter template.

To apply for grants and awards to support your attendance, visit CATESOL Education Foundation.

Support a Student

Would you like to contribute $5 to a fund that supports the attendance of students at this conference? Make a tax-deductible donation to CATESOL Education Foundation (501c3). 

1) Click AWARDS and GRANTS to read about the various awards and grants that CATESOL gives to teachers and students.

2) Click DONATE.

  • Fill out the Tax-Deductible Donation Form with your information.
  • Choose a fund for your donation from the drop-down menu, such as one of the following:
  1. Award: Rick Sullivan - conference registration
  2. CATESOL General Support Fund
  3.  or another of your choice
  • Enter the amount you would like to donate and pay with PayPal or your credit card.

Refund Policy

CATESOL is a non-profit organization operated solely by volunteers. Except as expressly provided, all payments will be irrevocable, non-refundable, and non-creditable. A refund will only be considered under exceptional circumstances.

COVID-19 Disclaimer

Conference attendees are voluntarily assuming any and all risks, notwithstanding the best efforts of the College of Alameda and the CATESOL conference organizers to implement and require compliance with transmission, prevention, and mitigation measures. By registering for and/or attending this in-person event, you are assuming all risks that you may be exposed to the coronavirus and/or other transmissible diseases and may become ill, and such exposure and illness may result in personal injury, temporary or permanent disability, or even death, and you waive any and all claims against the College and the conference organizers as a result of any exposure or illness. We recommend that you provide your own face masks, wearing them at your own discretion during the event, and refer to the CDC for further advice.